Do You Want to Build A Snowman?

Do You Want to Build A Snowman?

First of all, sorry this blog was late, but my daughter and I were in NYC this past weekend experiencing the sights, the sounds (and the smells) of the city.  This trip got my thinking about all the wonderful theater productions I have seen.  Having the benefit of going to college a short train ride outside of NYC, didn’t hurt either.  So, I thought I’d share my favorite shows, in no particular order:

Hamilton:  This show is AMAZING!  Run, do not walk to get tickets for this!  I’ve already seen this twice, my daughter knows all the songs from this show (and learned some history also).  It is a musical that uses rap to showcase the life of Alexander Hamilton.  This is a don’t miss!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child:  This is an investment in time, as it is a 2-part play, but it is a must for Harry Potter fans.  The NYC theater is totally transformed for this show, the surprises are amazing and you leave stunned!  Can’t tell you too much, since the mantra after part one is #keepthesecrets, but it is another must see!

Blood Brothers:  I saw this show in London and it is still playing 20 years later!  It is the story of two twins separated at birth and the differences in their lives, based on that fateful decision by their mother.  The music is phenomenal!

Frozen:  I just saw this show in NYC this past weekend and I have to tell you, I was surprised at how good it was.  There were original songs, and while it followed the movie story line, it introduced new nuances into the musical to make it a wonderful experience for kids and adults alike.  The staging and effects were incredible and I could not help singing along to the songs I knew!

Rent:  Based loosely on La Boheme, this show tells the story of struggling artists that live in NYC under the shadow of HIV/AIDS.  When this show came out in 1993, it helped the public understand the health epidemic the world was experiencing.  The music is stirring and I’m excited to see this show again next month here in Detroit.

Someday, I have a plan of going through all my past journals to compile a list of all theatrical productions that I’ve seen.  In the meantime, I will leave you with a couple of misses:

The Crucible:  A good show, but a disappointment in the fact that I thought I was see The Scarlet Letter, and I kept waiting for Hester Prynne to make her appearance.  Oops, my bad!

The Mystery of Charles Dickens:  I wasted a good night of London theater for this intolerably long one-man play about the life of Charles Dickens, told through the characters her created.  If you need a good nap, this show is your ticket!

Now to decide what show to see next…

“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other path, no other way, no day but today”. (Rent)

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