#5 – Pet a Sloth (or Maybe Not)

#5 – Pet a Sloth (or Maybe Not)

Ever since I saw the movie Zootopia, I have been obsessed with sloths. The scene in the DMV with Flash, made me laugh out loud. So, when I heard that you had a chance to interact with sloths at The Creature Conservancy, I was eager to sign up for the private tour.

We had an amazing zoologist who gave us a wonderful tour and we were able to interact and feed various animals. When we got to the sloths, I was so excited to pet them. But then I learned that sloths are solitary animals and being petted by humans stress them out. So, no petting the sloths :(.

But, we got to do the next best thing, we got to feed Poco grapes! He loves them — he likes the purple grapes better than the green ones and he can eat upside down!

What an awesome experience!

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