What an End to 2019!
I spent the first part of November traveling to Helsinki, Finland, and Tallinn, Estonia where I enjoyed 10 days of fun, friends and fantastic sights! I had the opportunity to try bear, elk and reindeer at a traditional Finnish restaurant. I had the chance to see amazing architecture, learn about gin distilling, beer brewing and …
From Canton to Amish Country to Paris to Chicago and Back
As we headed into the last third of the year, I was afraid that finding new experiences to do monthly would be difficult. It did not appear so for September and October! As a last hurrah for summer, Sophia and I headed to the Fun Garage in Canton, MI. Described as an entertainment center, we …
Is it a Roller Rink? Is it a Beach? It’s Both!
By Michelle McAllister As Bedrock, a real estate company in downtown Detroit, continues to buy strategic properties, they must find interesting ways to fill them as Detroit redevelops. One such location is 1001 Woodward. In December 2018, the Rainbow City Roller Rink, created by Friends with You, was installed prominently within Campus Martius. Brought to …
My 7th Continent
By Jennifer Sutherland, Guest Blogger I knew Asia was going to be my final continent to visit. But, for years, I’ve been overwhelmed by the variety of amazing places I could visit in Asia. So, I ended up with a version of writer’s block – traveler’s block! I couldn’t decide WHICH place to visit, so …
The Pause Button – Stopping and Reflecting in South Africa
By Guest Blogger, Molly Gnodtke It’s not every day that your husband asks if you would like to join him on a work trip to South Africa. I packed my bags before he even finished talking. Sure, I was nervous about the roughly 24-hour commute or the thought of being lunch for one of their native …
Swimming with the Fishes!
The one time I don’t bring my bathing suit on vacation, I could have went to the Beer Spa in Prague! Just my luck! This is now on the bucket list, so stay tuned! So as I was researching unique things to do in Prague, I walked past a spa that offered fish pedicures. I’d …